Aaaayyyyy I made a video game

At my CSAI class at Quest Academy, we learned how to use block code in Microsoft MakeCode Arcade. This wasn’t my first time using block coding, but I learned way more from this then I did in my previous experiences. In my game, I learned to create and enemy and create a scoring system. The goal of the game is to collect as many pizza slices before you get caught by the shark. The name is Sharky Sharky Boom Man, as a homage to Avatar: The Last Airbender. I think my high-score is 12 but I haven’t played it that much. I’m really proud of it. Enjoy!

Here’s the link! :

Well hello

Hello there. If you responded in your head or out loud with “general kenobi” than you are an awesome person. Anyway, my name is Elena. I’m a new student here at quest. In case you couldn’t tell, I like Star Wars. Ahsoka Tano is superior and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. That is not all i enjoy however. I’m also very fond of animated kids TV shows such as Voltron, Avatar the Last Airbender, She-ra, The Dragon Prince, Tangled the Series, etc. Please talk to me if you watch any of these, I would love to hear your opinion and talk about these shows. I also love to read. My favorite series is probably the Lunar Chronicles or Percy Jackson. If you like or don’t like to read, I still recommend these books. I also very much enjoy music. I mainly listen to musicals. Some of my favorites are Heathers, Ultimate Storytime, and Dear Evan Hansen. Yes I have listened to Hamilton. I also listen to mxmtoon, Cavetown, and AJR. All amazing artists. I’m trying to learn how to draw, and that’s going pretty ok.

Lets talk about normal stuff now, shall we. I’m a new student at Quest Academy. My previous school was Sundling Junior High. I have lots of good friends there and I was sad to leave, but I thought Quest Academy would be better for my education. I have played volleyball since 3rd grade. Right now, I play for a club called Pro V. My birthday is May 7, 2007. My Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff. I am a daughter of Apollo or Iris. My favorite season is Fall and Spring. I love when it rains and when the air smells like fall. My favorite scent is pumpkins and my favorite drink is milk. I don’t like tea or coffee. I love cuddling up in puffy blankets when its dark outside.

These are the characters from Percy Jackson. Please read this series
The best character in Avatar. I’m willing to fight people about this